What is a doula?

Doula - a Greek word meaning a woman who serves. In labor support terminology, doula refers to a specially trained birth companion who provides labor support, but no clinical tasks. She helps to create a space where the hormones of labor can work at their best. The doula’s goal is to help the woman have a safe and satisfying childbirth as the woman defines it.

Moreover, according to the results of the largest systematic review of continuous labor support published in 2011, the doula-supported women were 28% less likely to have cesarean section, 31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor, 9% less likely to use any pain medication and 34% less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively.

A birth doula:

  • recognizes birth as a key life experience that the mother will remember all her life

  • understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor

  • assists the woman and her partner in preparing for and carrying out their plans for the birth

  • stays by the side of the laboring woman throughout the entire labor

  • provides emotional support, physical comfort measures, an objective viewpoint, and assistance to the woman in getting the information she needs to make good decisions

  • facilitates communication between the laboring woman, her partner. and clinical care providers

  • perceives her role as one who nurtures and protects the woman’s memory of her birth experience

With a doula present, the pressure on the partner is decreased as well - they often feel relieved and can participate at their own comfort level. While the doula knows more about birth, hospitals and maternity care, the partner knows more about the woman’s personality, likes and dislikes, and needs. The combined contributions of partner and doula, along with a competent and caring staff give the woman the best chance of an optimal outcome.

As your Birth Doula, I won’t be there INSTEAD of you - I will be there FOR you…

Birth Doula Offline

  • 2 prenatal visits to discuss your birth preferences and practice some comfort measures

  • unlimited online support (pregnancy, birth and postpartum related information)

  • backup doula upon request

  • 24/7 on-call support 2 weeks prior to your EDD and until your baby is born

  • continuous physical and emotional support for you and your partner during the birth and 1-2 hours after

  • 1 postpartum follow-up visit

Birth Doula Online

  • 2 prenatal online-meetings to discuss your birth preferences and practice some comfort measures

  • unlimited online support (pregnancy, birth and postpartum related information)

  • 24/7 on-call support 2 weeks prior to your EDD and until your baby is born

  • continuous online-support for you and your partner during the birth and 1 hour after

  • 1 postpartum follow-up online-meeting

“Only with trust, faith, and support can the woman allow the birth experience to enlighten and empower her.”

– Annie Kennedy and Penny Simkin.